
The angelica grows in southern subtropical islands in Japan. The dried leaves of this plant are used as a health-giving tea and the fresh leaves are added to miso soup. It is said that the leaves function as a tonic, prolong life, cure hypertension and aid recovery from fatigue. ANGELICA EXTRACT BG is a recommended material aimed at antiaging cosmetics as it promotes hyalulonic acid and collagen synthesis and strengthens “Tight Junction”, a new key word in skin barrier function.


  • Strong moisturization via the improvement of the tight junction.
  • Stimulation of the promotion of Aquaporin-3, "the Water Channel", involved in transport of water inside cells.
  • Strong promotion of Collagen and Hyaluronic Acid production.
  • JSQI approved.

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Wie können wir Ihnen mit ANGELICA EXTRACT helfen?

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